
Apk code editor for mac
Apk code editor for mac

Despite its large array of features, it is made as intuitive as possible, so you can develop as productively as possible and focus on the source code. Quoda has had much focus put into its user experience, so it is an easy to use, fast, responsive and very reliable IDE. The following are planned to be released soon: GIT support, Box and OneDrive integration, custom themes, import FTP server data from FileZilla, code-completion for all programming languages and more! Quoda is continuously being updated with new features. Other features include downloading URL source code, auto-encoding detection, brace matching, auto-indentation, line bookmarking, colour picker, HTML formatting, and even more - many of these unmatched by other Android IDEs or text editors! Find and replace with regex and case (in)sensitivity.

apk code editor for mac

Snippets* with Textmate-syntax tabstops and variables.

apk code editor for mac apk code editor for mac

Quoda is a sophisticated yet easy to use source code editor or IDE with integrated support for SFTP/FTP(S) servers and cloud storage (Dropbox and Google Drive).

Apk code editor for mac